Entrepreneurial addiction: what is it and how to recognise the signs


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Entrepreneurial addiction: what is it and how to recognise the signs

Entrepreneurship may be a career option for some people, for others, it’s less of a choice but a part of their personality (listen to our NAKED podcast episode with Dr. Michael Freeman). For serial entrepreneurs, it can be more than just a passion. It can be a behaviour addiction.

We recognise that there are different types of entrepreneurial addiction, and not all business builders experience addiction to entrepreneurship in the same way. These types can be categorised into:

  1. Addicted to building businesses

  2. Compensating and managing the stresses that come from building a business with addictive behaviours, such as excessive sport or turning to alcohol.

  3. Getting involved in a business so that you don’t turn to the use of an addictive substance or activity to ease other stresses in your life. 

Research has shown that entrepreneurial addiction presents itself through a number of signs and symptoms, ranging from neglect of family or oneself, to starting new projects without finishing previous ones.

Understanding the signs of entrepreneurial addiction is important, but what is just as important (if not more so), is understanding how to manage it or knowing where to seek support. Through our continued research on the topic, we can see that there are a number of steps that are regularly recommended by experts in the field of addiction, on where to begin to seek help: the first step is admitting you have a problem and recognising the negative impact. Secondly, set boundaries and practice mindfulness. Lastly, seek support.

We have collated a number of articles and research from psychologists and researchers, as well as from entrepreneur’s sharing their own experiences with entrepreneurial addiction. The following articles examine the signs to look out for and how you might be able to recognise them, as well as steps and strategies to take to deal with managing an entrepreneurial addiction.

Advice for Entrepreneurs Struggling with Addiction | Techstars

While scaling his first company, entrepreneur Matt Serel became addicted to opiates, and in 2013 he nearly died of an overdose. He shares his story to encourage other entrepreneurs to take care of themselves and ask for help when they need it.

Some Traits That Make You a Good Entrepreneur Also Make You Susceptible to Addiction. These Strategies Can Help | Inc.

Unfortunately, addiction can take hold of someone who is stressed about starting a business. See how you can stop it here. Based on Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine research, entrepreneur Serhat Pala shares his strategies.

Habitual entrepreneurs: Possible cases of entrepreneurship addiction? | Journal of Business Venturing

This research presents a theoretical conceptualisation of entrepreneurship addiction, highlighting the symptoms of entrepreneurship addiction among some habitual entrepreneurs.

Are entrepreneurs touched with fire? | Dr. Michael Freeman, Dr, Sheri L. Johnson, Paige J. Staudenmaier

Dr. Michael Freeman leads a team of entrepreneurship researchers from UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco on a study of the personality, mood, and human factors that are common among entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurial Addiction Is A Real Problem: Here Are The 6 Warning Signs | Forbes

Psychotherapist Amy Morin looks at how entrepreneurial passion and drive could become an addiction.

We recognise that much of the research on the topic of entrepreneurship and addiction is slowly becoming outdated and we are committed to sharing more recent experiences from entrepreneurs on their experiences with addiction. 

For more support and information on the topic of entrepreneurship and addiction, visit Mind in the UK, CheckPoint for global support helplines, or please get in touch and we can direct you to the right place.

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