Emma Obanye
Founder & CEO at Mindful Team, EiR at Capital Enterprise, Spain
Around 95% startups fail. We need to hear those stories. By hearing those stories it helps people to accept that this is the truth. And I think that’s fundamental. I think what The Future Farm is doing is really important as we know that the real success comes through resilience that comes from failure.

Markus Gnirck
Co-Founder, Tryb, Singapore
Founders go through good times and through challenging times. I can only share from my experience that the key to long term success is to continuously build up emotional and intellectual resilience and to be, as much as possible, focused on the present moment. The Future Farm does exactly that. Helps you strip away all the non-essentials, to be honest to yourself and work with your emotions is powerful and unique.

Asma Khan
Chef, Owner of Darjeeling Express, United Kingdom
The work of The Future Farm is essential. Too many people talk about the fun side of being an entrepreneur but a lot of it is blood and sweat. It’s a very isolating process when you are trying to set up a business. I think it’s really important to know that the hardships that are ahead of you, someone else has also experienced, and it’s not just you alone.

Simon Cant
Managing Partner, Reinventure, Australia
So many of our life choices, in fact so many of our moment to moment decisions, are automatic and unexamined. Yet we are surprised when we find ourselves in crises or just dissatisfied with life. The call to lead a conscious or mindful life has never been louder and Future Farm are working to help us chart this unknown territory.