The Future Farm is a global organisation and community dedicated to healthier entrepreneurship

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About Episode

· Is it an investors role to get involved in the emotional resilience of a founder?

· Why should investors care about the health of the entrepreneurs they work with?

· What is Simon doing differently and why does he believe in the importance of an entrepreneur’s emotional health?

Founders often reach a point when they need to look beyond family and friends to continue funding their growing business. This is the moment where they look for external investment, for venture capital. Beyond financing, what else is there to a VC and founder relationship? Do investors actually care about the emotional and mental state of the company founders they invest in? 

For many, it is not a factor. For others, like Simon Cant, it is. Simon’s views are informed by his personal experiences. Experiences he shares with Vladi and Nektarios about how dealing with the roadblocks he encountered during his career, now helps shape how he works with company founders. He believes that investors should value an entrepreneur’s state, and provide them with the right tools so they can manage their own state. 

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