Forbes: Entrepreneurs surveyed on mental health struggles


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Forbes: Entrepreneurs surveyed on mental health struggles (in Slovak)

As part of our research before launching The Future Farm work, we conducted a survey of hundreds of entrepreneurs around the world, which included in-depth interviews. What have we learned?


We confirmed that most business founders face emotional and mental challenges in their lives.

We spoke to entrepreneurs and investors from different parts of the world - from Australia, Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, USA and European countries, such as the Czech Republic and Denmark. We had CEOs from technology companies, but also owners of hairdressers, people from gastronomy, consultants with their own companies. It was important for us to go beyond the business stereotype of a white, cisgender, heterosexual man from the technology sector. I think we did it.

"Many entrepreneurs have told us that when they talk about themselves, people mainly ask about the business... Very few people ask about their personal experience and the impact that the chosen path has had on them. We tried to show a natural human interest in who they are and how they feel about it. We later received emails from them because it helped, often the first time they talked about being an entrepreneur from this perspective."

At The Future Farm, we are raising awareness of this topic through the NAKED podcast and we are starting to work with global investment funds that are interested in the mental and emotional health of their founders. Vladimira talked to about the survey.

Read the article in full (in Slovak) >>> 

Or for more information on the results of the survey, please get in touch.

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